
Showing posts from March, 2020

take care

this post is about how to take care of yourself, and love yourself. It might not sound that important, but it is, HAVE GOOD HYGIENE! This means to brush your teeth, brush your hair, wear clean clothes, wash yourself. Just do whatever you can to stay clean. Having good hygiene is important, for example: if you never brush your teeth you will come across as gross and disgusting, and you might loose friends, but if you brush your teeth every day and night, your breath will smell good, your teeth will not look gross and yellow, and in the future it always pays off, because you'll have a beautiful smile! So please have good hygiene!


It may sound stupid to some people, but you become who you hang out with. You might have heard this saying before, but it is true, trust me. This is why you have to choose your friends wisely. If you don't be careful you'll become a jerk or something like that. think about this: would you rather have a friend group who were all jerks and are mean to you, or a friend group who treated you like you were a princess, and were so kind and generous to everyone. you probably chose the second option, and if not you probably need to get that checked out. But the bottom line is to choose your friends wisely, and if not you will  pay the price.

ACTUALLY be yourself

In this world people tell you things like be yourself  or like be unique  but they also tend to tell you stuff like you have to do so and so to be normal  or don't do that, its not cool. If you haven't noticed this is kind of weird. If some one told me to "be myself" and then the next day made fun of me for what i was wearing, that wouldn't make much sense. One way you can actually be yourself is by ignoring what other people say about you. their opinion doesn't matter. I know it s easier said than done, but if you really try hard to ignore the bad things that they say it WILL get easier to ignore, and soon enough you'll have more confidence than you could ever imagine. Another way you can actually be yourself is by only wearing/doing what you love! You don't have to wear clothes that are trending if you don't like them. Don't get me wrong, it is TOTALLY fine if you like the trendy clothes and want to wear them, I do that a lot, but it is al...

about this blog

Hey! my name is Chloe and this blog is for you! I hope you enjoy all the post about how to be you, ideas for you, and much more! if you enjoy this blog, please share it with a friends or two! I hope you like what I write and I am always open to writing about things you recommend! please help me to grow this blog by giving my ideas, things I can do to make YOUR experience better, and whatever else you can think of! Thank you, enjoy!                                                                                              -Chloe Grace